Agree with Russell, think Seth made a valid point, Wiz is probably happy he escaped a fame whore, James, James, James ...the rest? I've got nothing.
Agree with Russell, think Seth made a valid point, Wiz is probably happy he escaped a fame whore, James, James, James ...the rest? I've got nothing.
They should never call her Stifler's Mom. There is only one Stifler's Mom and she is the joy that is Jennifer Coolidge.
You can buy that butt any time you want, as long as you've got the cash.
I was under the impression they had broken up prior to her death.
I loathe Tyra Banks for that scam she's been running for how many years? I remember that episode, I remember so many instances where she went out of her way to be an asshole to the contestants. Stopped watching it years ago but come across it when flipping through channels every so often and stop to hate watch for a…
Wow, the last one on that list, about the orphans, was depressing as hell.
The husband said 'fretted'. Haven't heard that in such a very long time. Am re-adding that to my vocab as of today.
Nice to see pre-surgery Beyoncé.
Indeed. It's such an important thing to learn, that we make mistakes but we need to take responsibility for those mistakes and make amends as best possible, whilst learning from the experience and growing into a better person. I really hope the kids are picking up the message. They are not getting it from their…
I get that when I tell stories about my ex husband and his family and the manipulative bullshit they've pulled on my kids. People are SHOCKED and then understand why I pulled away from them all completely and why my kids are very distant. Those people are fucked up and will do ANYTHING to keep up the shop front. Very…
I have done that with my kids. I maintain the 'mom is in charge' thing but I also make room for me (and them) to apologise when we fuck up. I'm not a perfect parent and I do fuck up. Sometimes I say things without thinking, sometimes I lose my shit, sometimes I'm just wrapped up in trying to pay the bills and don't…
There was that bit but there was also the bit about Brad being so desperate to have kids and Jen, gosh darn her, just kept making that TV show, then signed for a movie and wouldn't pop out the babies for him so thank goodness he met a fertility goddess. Or something like that.
That seems to be the rumour. I didn't mean to imply that there was anything wrong with Pitt smoking his dope, but he did say something about how he was wasting away in that marriage getting stoned on the sofa all the time or something like that. Because apparently she was in control of what he did or something.
Did he? That is hilarious but let's hope/assume it was for a role.
I've never been a fan of either, tbh, but when I think about how JA was treated by the media for freaking YEARS - as if having her dope-smoking husband dump her for the Hollywood siren meant there was something wrong with her - I'm kind of liking her more and more, because I don't think she gives even one fuck at this…
You forgot: Is she a barren, bitter, jealous, hater who spends her nights plotting ways to fuck up Bradgelina's life, having them on Google alerts and cackling with great gusto every time they get even a smidgen of bad press. Oh, and every man she's been with since Brad is a mere place holder.
Is this for real? Now the state is going to enforce helicopter parenting? I weep for the generations because they're going to grow up with this skewed idea of a big scary world instead of the idea that it's really not any more scary than it ever was.
I disagree. While everyone has the right to do their thing we don't live in bubbles and our actions to impact others. This is something to take into consideration when making any decision. It's basic human courtesy.
I know that Chevy Chase has a reputation for being a complete dick but I have to say that after reading about his childhood and his absolutely batshit insane and abusive mother I'm surprised he turned out even halfway normal. It's pretty heartbreaking stuff.