
Yes, if you want to book anything like a plane or hotel, or if you want to order anything. Hell, in Europe there are loads of bank branches that no longer deal in cash.

I thought it was pretty common knowledge that James Brown was an abuser. I remember hearing/reading about it years ago.

I retain hope that at least one of the K family will take the road to normal (ish). Kylie seems the best bet at this point.

Absolutely. He knew he was married and she knew he was married. He could have left his marriage and pursued her and she could have said 'I don't do married dudes - call me when you're single'. Instead she was his sidepiece for a number of years and now seems surprised he isn't keen to make her Mrs. Sanford part two.

I have a strange hope that at least one of the Kartrashian family will buck the trend and end up relatively normal. Rob seems to be the best shot right now but the other Jenner girl - can't remember her name - might have a shot. Just one has to come out of that fucked up family with a decent non-fame whoring

Yeah, I don't know - most people I know who cheat use that reasoning but it really is that they're waiting for a soft place to land. Not saying that's your deal but I've seen it so often.

Well, you're not dead yet so who knows, right?

I'm guessing his ex-wife and kids don't think she's a pretty cool person. And neither do I. Nothing like hearing the mistress talk of her pain over the affair when a family is in tatters. Yes, he's ultimately responsible but she played a part in the fucked up world the ex-wife and kids now live in.

Why not just leave the current relationship if you're unhappy, instead of waiting for someone new to come along? I've never understood that.

He's also a serial cheater. The Argentinian lady was not his first 'mistake', although he says he didn't fuck the other women, only 'crossed the line'.

I know several couples who got together this way and cheating has been involved in all of the second marriages. The difference is that the second wives have turned a blind eye (with one saying she didn't want people to know because it makes her look stupid for marrying him in the first place) while the first wives

Fuck the pair of them. The mistress pushed for marriage and found out that no, he was going to use every play in the cheater handbook to not marry her: kids, evil ex-wife, job, whatever.

Love how he says he had no lawyers when he actually had two representing him during the divorce. The guy can't stop lying about anything, even stuff that is a matter of public record.

You and me both. She basically spent 20 years raising the kids and making sure his sorry ass stayed in office and it turns out he was screwing around on her with not just the Argentinian honey but had other 'indiscretions' prior to that. What a bag of dicks he is. And I guarantee the mistress dumped his ass and

I was doing somewhat the same. And I think he was probably drunk because you don't usually see those kinds of FB posts unless someone's been hitting the bottle hard.

I figure once the wanting became getting it wasn't so true love soul mate forever shit - and she realised he's a weak-assed man who had a wandering eye long before she ever came on the scene (he admitted as much at the time of his hiking trip).

You might want to find a new girlfriend. That is some kind of messed up thinking.

Can't find my post so apologies if this is a repeat.

Did your 'friend' find out?

This is a bit long and convoluted but it feels good to write it out: