Clearly the little girl got her attitude from her dad. He seemed to be the one causing most of her distress.
Clearly the little girl got her attitude from her dad. He seemed to be the one causing most of her distress.
Maddie is 100% great. She's an amazing dancer who appears to work very hard. But, Chloe is also an amazing dancer who works very hard. By that I mean fuck Abby Lee Miller.
Flat all the way. Have to work pretty hard to get them to anything but flat.
I’m not sure the extent of the trithfullness in the following claim, but the Hylands (and Lukasiaks, for that matter) have said they didn’t leave because of the contracts they were under. According to these two moms, they were unable to leave the show without the studio suing them for millions of dollars.
That might be relevant if women’s sports were given equal coverage. But of course the revenue is going to be smaller when sports channels dedicate 3% of coverage to it.
I would totally watch that. They should just make a show with all the original people (Snake and Spike and the other random people that have been in TNG) and just forget all the teenagers.
RFR is life. I got into so much awesome music from that show.
Ugh no kidding. How many times can you repeat the same seven story lines with new characters? Apparently 14 years is the limit.
I wasn’t old enough to watch the original Degrassi, but my guidance counselor definitely showed us some episodes in lieu of actual teaching sometimes.
Yeah. Except it’s not different if the excuse is that an unopened can of pop/beer/other beverages of your choosing can be used as a weapon. If that’s the concern, then no cans, regardless of whether they’re free or paid for, should be handed out unopened.
But it's all those pedophiles dressed as ladies that are attacking children in bathrooms. What he did was just a silly teenage mistake. It's those damn trans* people lurking in dark bathrooms, just trying to take a piss that we should fear.
I’m really enjoying how they keep using the word young in front of teenager, as if that somehow makes what did okay. Boys will be boys, I guess.
I think the problem isn’t that we don’t understand, it’s that despite the fact we do understand a lot of what a 17 year old deals with, no amount of platitudes about things getting better or just ignoring stuff will make you feel better when you’re 17 and upset/angry/depressed/whatever.
A kid I went to school with went by BJ for a long time. Until about middle school. Mind you, his name was Bobby. Not Robert. Bobby.
PETA sucks but classroom dissection in elementary/high school is gross and unnecessary. There are computer programs that show the same thing without having to kill animals.
I went to Mexico my senior year of high school and the day we were set to leave I started puking right after breakfast. Que several more hours of puking and diarrhea on various airplanes and during our two hour layover in Houston. Luckily some plane people were kind enough to switch seats so I had easy access to the…
I really admire their absolute refusal to acknowledge any of the studies that prove abstinence only education doesn’t work and just carry on anyway. It would be sort of hilarious if it didn’t hurt so many people.
I've lived in the Midwest my entire life and I have no idea what hot dish is...
I feel like I should introduce you to Zombie Burger in Des Moines, IA where they have a hamburger on a bun that is actually two grilled cheese sandwiches. Or a hamburger on a bun that is actually deep fried macaroni.