I don’t care much about Ellen as a person or a show, but the “I’m a work in progress” line from someone in their sixties and who has been doing the same job for twenty years....hope she gets that figured out soon.
I don’t care much about Ellen as a person or a show, but the “I’m a work in progress” line from someone in their sixties and who has been doing the same job for twenty years....hope she gets that figured out soon.
> Everyone can do this
Can you cite any sources that support the idea that everyone can pick the prison they are sent to?
The only takeaway here is that ALL prisons should have these programs and more.
Agreed - I actually feel bad that they are constantly being blamed for their problematic men.
This is the most painful predicament imaginable. Trying to keep a family together while dealing with extreme mental illness - and a patient who will not seek or accept medical intervention. Its ironic in this case that a couple who has consistently courted the public gaze - live, in fact, to have their ‘private lives’…
There’s plenty of hate for that family but....
Wait... what?
The fact that it’s a surprise to you that Rob Reiner is a liberal tells me that this the first time you’ve heard of Rob Reiner.
What? Where have you been??? Rob Reiner has been an outspoken lefty for DECADES and not just performative, regardless of whatever his net worth might be.
What’s the word I’m looking for???
Oh, I know! Vapid!
Also, narcissist.
I have never heard of these women before today.
I see now it was for a ‘distanced’ screening of her doc, maybe at her home? Thing is the party was soooo not distanced, but anyway...I think possibly people had a test? Not sure. I’m going to a restaurant patio tonight, where I will unmask outdoors, however, I won’t be dancing in close proximity and hugging people -…
Oh, God. Virtual hug and tip of the wine glass to you, sis. You did not deserve this and I hope your reward is long happy life!
So sorry. I am glad you got away and have sole custody 🌻🌻
It has been in common usage since at least 1994.
I’m sorry you have to deal with this. It’s shitty that your ex can’t be decent and also FUCK them for not spending time with their kids. That is almost as bad as tormenting you.
Curious if anyone follows Paris Hilton on instagram - she’s posting some huge party with celebrities tonight. No masks, everyone dancing and partying and hugging - I mean... I am curious to see what the media will say.
I’m so sorry your ex is like this. I worked with a woman whose ex loved to torment her, too, and he was a lawyer so it was nothing to him to constantly keep dragging her into court. She had to spend so much on legal costs that she and her children had to move back in with her family. Then he used the fact that she…
Geez. I’m sorry for you, that’s an incredible mental toll for such a long time. For someone to put that much effort into making someone else miserable is pathetic.
Hoo brother. I’m sorry for Cat Cora. My ex has spent the past 14 years (!!!!) cyber stalking me, taking me to court (the latest over an anonymous blog I have, that he found, and printed out—all 1,000 pages apparently, and also my entire Twitter feed—and put into a 3 ringed binder to convince a custody court that I am…