I'm sure this person is a real joy to have in class.
I'm sure this person is a real joy to have in class.
The headline on the link is "Bees move into Queens apartment, outnumber tenant." Yeah, 50,000: 1, I'd say that's the understatement of the century.
Whoa, very interesting about AU's president. According to Wikipedia he was allowed to return to AU as a professor and some people wanted him reinstated as president, which seems pretty fucked up to me.
When I was 12 I really wanted a beeper like all the cool kids, but my parents said no because they thought it would make me look like a dealer.
I'm haunted by her inability to shoot video in landscape.
Sounds like a lot of asshole bros earned their red wings this summer.
Yeah he didn't last long, both in my life and in bed. Heyo! He was such an asshole that I didn't even try to offer advice, because what would have been the point. We were both trying to lose weight while we dated and actually lost the same amount of weight despite him actually exercising and being significantly larger…
I recently dated a guy who had the dumbest fucking notions about nutrition because he believed everything his trainer told him and apparently missed every basic biology class ever. Like, he would obsess about replacing all the protein he "lost" during his workouts, but would eat the worst possible proteins and use…
Damn, I don't even like mariachi bands at restaurants. Get off my lawn and let me eat!
I don't understand the hatred for cyclists as long as they aren't riding like dicks. One time I was riding along a wide-ass shoulder in the middle of the day and some jackhole threw a beer can at me. A beer can!
I had the same thought.
The comments on an article on this episode over on Gawker were totally ridiculous (as expected). So many jerky men (and women) who could just not believe anyone would even want to touch Lena Dunham and said REALLY mean things. I mean, how do people who think like that even live in the world? I question my ability to…