The state is generally less interested if people wear makeup and dresses , then if they have the proper paperwork. A M marrying an F is a routine matter.
The state is generally less interested if people wear makeup and dresses , then if they have the proper paperwork. A M marrying an F is a routine matter.
How is a marriage between a holder of male documents and a holder of female documents a same sex wedding? This was a straight wedding. I bet the Russian legislator quoted doesn't even realize this.
I'm going to go on a limb here and say ones personal friends should not be one's professional advisors. Especially when you are the most powerful person on the planet.
the fact that the perp is trans is very relevant to the story.
Do you see you just said trans win the oppression Olympics because you believe 50% attempt suicide ?
Do you see the death threats against me for my calmly stated if perhaps controversial opinion? Any discussion of the above items will elicit the same response, and when you ask these trans activists "why " they will tell you that any questioning of the trans narrative is pushing trans women to suicide.
How trans women (myself included) are products of male socialization .
I do believe we are talking past each other. My point is that the modern trans narrative uses talk of suicide as a club to prevent discussion of things that most trans women would rather avoid discussing.
I'm not following your point unfortunately. Thank you for your civil engagement though.
I'm glad you found peace for yourself.
How was my previous comment bigoted ?
I like how the person who is throwing threats around with frequent cursing is accusing me of being a troll.
How does that prove I'm not trans? Do you want to see my receipt from Suporn ?
thank you for making a reply that did not include any threat of death.
Regarding DV or rape - those are crimes committed by perpetrators. Suicide is an internal experience. Comparing the two is inappropriate.
Suicidal ideation is a bad thing and I hope anyone who goes through it survives and gets help.
I'm trans btw.
She is using her suicide attempt to prove how bad her bullying was. All over trans narratives of male - females you see references to suicide to prove how horrible their life has been, or worse yet , they will use the threat of suicide to police what others say- I'.e. "If you point out that I received male…
The glorification of suicide attempts in the modern trans narrative is so disturbing. Attempting to kill yourself is a cry for help and not something to be proud of, or something that proves you are more oppressed then the next person. Signed, a trans woman who is sick of the current trans narratives.