
He says a promises a lot of stuff he doesn’t follow through on. It’s easy to promise to pay something in a public moment. He doesn’t even pay his contractors. I don’t believe it for a second.

That’s not what he said. He’s not talking about out gay men.

I give this a pass in the exact same way I would give a pass to a 17 year old girl who wrote, “Be wary of 40 year old men who take a significant and clearly sexual interest in you, as most of them are not good guys and it won’t be healthy for you.” Are there exceptions, sure, but it’s not bad advice to suggest being

Clearly he’s talking about older dudes going after teens. That is skeevy even if it is legal. As long as you don’t pursue dudes in their teens, he’s not talking about men like you.

“Whenever I started to pull away, Kevin would bring up the fact that he’d bought me underwear.”

That’s not what he said

Having a major candidate say an election is rigged when it becomes clear they’re going to lose, and threatening to throw the opponent in jail if they win are two thresholds that not many advanced democracies have crossed in a long time, or ever. That’s not how things work in a democracy. It’s fascism.

It is truly amazing how eager men are to claim that they’re too immature & incompetent to be responsible for their actions, whenever it suits them.... and still they keep getting all those promotions! SMDH.

I had an idiot male acquaintance tell me recently that you can’t expect a man to act mature until “at least 44. It’s science.” Um... No? I told him that I didn’t ever expect him to act mature, nor did I feel his age was the issue.

I was old enough to know better, but I guess I was still young enough to still do something stupid.

Back when Giuliani was running his kids refused to endorse him or show up for him. His daughter is publicly working for Clinton. Kids can stand on their own principles.

Are you kidding me?

No one cares what you think of our election, foreigner.

I understand your concern. But be calmed by the idea that he is a bully, and bullies are, at their core, the worst of cowards. I doubt if he would try to harm her physically himself. That’s why he’s been egging his Trumpbots on, urging one of them to take her out. My guess is, if he loses it during the debate, he’ll

If he brings up Juanita (as everyone’s assuming because he retweeted her tonight), it will actually be easy:

I don’t see him going for the “lying lesbian whore” line. But I can imagine his people begging him to watch his temper because they know a “go fuck yourself” is right around the corner. Just right there on the tip of his tongue.

I love that. The Zodiac Killer could have come out of this clean but instead is going to be remembered for fielding phone calls for Ompa Loompa Hitler. It could not happen to a nicer sack of shit.

Monday’s headline will be “Trump calls Hillary Clinton “Lying Lesbian Whore” & Repeatedly Tells Her To Go Fuck Herself In Live Debate.”

Today? Preparing. After the debate? I’m not sure what a 68 year old does to celebrate the feeling of christmas, new years, 3 birthdays, and your best orgasm combined into one amazing thing but I’m sure it’s going to be spectacular.

I don’t see how “locker room banter,” or being a private conversation makes it okay to sexually assault women. Bragging about getting away with the harassment of women is not okay in any setting. Dude is a predator but of course his fans will say he’s the victim here somehow.