I see people talk about “four years,” but I feel reasonably comfortable predicting he doesn’t make it that far for a whole host of reasons.
I see people talk about “four years,” but I feel reasonably comfortable predicting he doesn’t make it that far for a whole host of reasons.
Odds of seeing a real doctor: 1 in 292,201,338.
Great job! That’s part of the appeal. Would be a nice $$worry free life. In normal circumstances that isn’t enough but maybe now it is....
Nope. He’s gonna repeal it and make Congress pass a single-payer health care act: The Trump Wellth Care & Casino Insurance Act of 2017.
How fucking disgraceful. I’m truly embarrassed that this happened in this country and that there is once again talk of this type of action.
Go Katy perry for seeming like a real decent human being.
I would not call this “pro-Muslim” but rather pro-human rights, pro-Constitutional democracy.....
It’s official, I forgive Katy for recording “Firework”.
Is calamari even feasible for you at this point? (How has there not been an H.P Lovecraft-themed hentai yet?)
You may be surprised, I mean it’s been almost 10 years since the Last Ocean’s so the market is deff there, Plus the star power they are bringing to the table is phenomenal. And it’s sure to be profitable since they only need like 1/3 the budget of an all male Ocean’s.
It’s fine. 90% of my conversations with my friends are about women I want to date/have dated/screwed up a date with. Although for film purposes the Bechdel Test definitely is a good barometer for the bare minimum in terms of well realized female characters, usually.
It only takes 8 women to do what 11,12 or 13 men can.
Too bad you still missed “sepcifically” lol.
3 million votes. The second highest vote tally in US history. But OK yeah she’s an “awful campaigner” and all that.
Yet Hillary still won the second most votes in a presidential election EVER IN HISTORY. But yeah ok it’s cuz some millennials “didn’t like her.”
she’s sure as hell not an actress
What exactly should Hillary have done to prevent him from sexting with a teen while his kid is in bed with him?
You do have a good point and you’re not wrong. I agree with you. I don’t think Huma should be beat up on for giving him a second chance necessarily. But if she takes him back AGAIN, I’d have zero sympathy for her.
I like this idea of just telling people to google the answer to their annoying questions. “When’s dinner?” or “Did you see Modern Family last night?” Is there a question this wouldn’t work with?