
At the very least tag it Unpresidented Dick Moves

Trump: let’s honor the grand traditions of the inauguration by stomping all over them. The most important thing is to reward those who kissed my ass during the election! 

Good. No one associated with anything traditional should be anywhere near his ass to sully themselves. Everything about this inaugeration - and this presidency, really - should have to be harder for him than it has been for previous presidents just to ram home the point that this presidency is not normal.

Waiting for the Republican outrage about how entitled and out of touch Hollywood stars are alienating half of America. Even though we will have a President who is an out of touch, former Hollywood star who alienates half of America.

She is not only our greatest actor, she is also our national conscience. It’s a lot of hats to wear, but she pulls it off.

It’s easy to me as well. But, my thing is this: If you’re invested in saying the first name correctly, say the second one correctly as well. In all my time watching award shows, I don’t think I ever saw anyone stumble over that man’s name. And it’s not easy. But, I distinctly remember folks not saying Uzo’s name right

Lol. It’s Gal (like gallup) - A -Fan-A-kis

Because they both have black people in them, which makes them the same movie in Hollywood, silly.


This seems to actually have been the woman’s fantasy, not the man’s.

Yeah, make this your hill to die on. Solid choice.

it is what happens when fantasy is indulged so much that it’s not enough anymore. sorry, but not all kinks are healthy.

I can’t stop looking at Grace and seeing the faces of all of the 14 year olds I was friends with as a freshman in high school. I can’t believe they plotted this for a year. I’m so sorry, Grace.

Murder, robbery, kidnapping for ransom. These are serious crimes, committed with intent. People are imprisoned and their usual freedoms are taken away. So are their choices.

Shiloh looks very much like a man to me

She is a criminal. She deserves adequate health care. Both these things are true, 

She IS a criminal. She’s a convicted murderer.

I mean... her being a criminal is a crucial point to this story, no?

This does not sound like a magic trick.

The stunt, known as the “bullet catch”, debuted in 2010 and consist of Blaine firing a rifle at his own head and catching the bullet in a metal cup inside his mouth.