
Do you have any drag clubs near you? My teacher was a drag queen, and people always compliment me on my makeup.

Ah. Well, like I said: Getting him to say stupid shit isn’t difficult.

It’s January, and not only has it not died it seems to have become a permanent part of the fandom and even affects cosplay.

I’ve been thinking of how to say this...

I won’t claim what I said is nice or what people want to hear. Or that people will listen. People don’t change; our last election showed us that.

Well, America mostly doesn’t make its own steel, so it kinda can’t...

The Democrats have never had the unity or power base to shut down the government. Even when they had the numbers, Bush Jr. proved the Dems are easy to bully into submission.

Trump is one of the people who takes advantage of them. Why would he want to do anything about it?

It’s not about illegal immigration. It’s about the War On Drugs. Most of the drug smuggling coming from Mexico goes through the border.

Because people are innately terrible. Human history shows us this again and again and again. Trump just figured out how to capitalize on it in a nation where people are foolish enough to not learn from history.

I would say your ending accurately sums up why the left is self-destructing. It’s in the nature of liberals to fight against and try to change a system that isn’t working to produce a better one. They’re now facing up to the possibility it’s their system that isn’t working. The results are predictable.

Over 5, under 50.

Just like how people will mock the shows of now in 20 years for their clothes XD

And other torments.

It won’t be the career of a reporter or blogger made by asking that question. Everyone already knows the answer.

Damn. That’s infinitely better than what I said.

Part of what gave Charmed its charm for me is it was unafraid to have a bit of camp to it. The show never aspired to be particularly good about plots, and its complexity was almost entirely an accident, but it was still a fun watch.

He’s a leftover Soviet prototype Espionage Drone. He’s a thing because the Russians didn’t know what to do with the prototype, so they sold it to the American government. He’s famous because it’s cheaper to get paparazzi to watch him than assign federal agents.

I can imagine him being cornered by some blogger or low-grade reporter looking to make their career by getting him to say something stupid (not that hard to do), then weasel-wording his way out of it.

Seven. And only four of them have her real name on them.