Jane A

I just read a Jezebel post on facebook condemning an incident where a black woman claimed she was racially profiled at Sephoria. Facinating that this POC author says WOC are in too much of a state of emergency to condemn anti-Jewish rhetoric by civil rights leaders they follow or to show any concern for Jewish

I see many black and Muslim activists who constantly demand support but I never see them condemn the anti-Jewish racism that is so prevalent in the left and in black and Muslim culture, including among activists. If blacks aren’t required to fight against black anti-Jewish racism, and they certainly don’t, I see no

Blacks are the largest, most powerful and most advocated for minority in this country. They also contribute greatly to anti-Semitism, anti-Asian racism, misogyny, and homophobia. But all I hear is what victims they are.

No, you won’t see me at the BLM protests. They are based on a false narrative and use accusations of racism, many unsubstantiated, to comitt violence and abuse. They are also openly anti-Jewish racists.