Jan Dumas

Eddie sold the beanie baby toys at the collectible store and used the money at a generic big box store for the slip and slide. He then had to return the slip and slide to the big box store, and sell the Shaq shoe at the collectible store to have enough to afford all the beanie babies toys. How did you miss that?

The beer is all as thick as beef stew but not as chewy. about the same temperature.

CD totally off topic, but I want to tell you about my trip to London. Skip the Crown Jewels exhibit. It's one long single file line past bullet proof glass that makes the crowns and scepters look like they are on the other side of a fun house mirror. Try to make it to Stonehenge, and Oxford. The Queen will be in

Second season, she went in search of Camelot so hope she shows up again. She was protecting what ever princess suffered a sleeping curse that year.

Considering that we now know the nurse at the desk of the basement is named Nurse Ratchet, I guess the guy pushing the mop is the Indian?

I was totally waiting for Breaking Bad to pull a Newhart and bring us back to the Wilkerson family master bedroom.

So no Barry Manilow?

Animal Planet had a show with little people who took tacky acting jobs and their boss also a little person who rescued pit bulls. Or at least he claimed to rescue pit bulls. Most of the show was about the lousy acting jobs he got for little people.

Great Gumball review, does this mean we are going to get a full season of coverage?

What no mention that the TAHITI project still exists? That totally blew my mine that it exists and is still taking people. You would think that it had been shut down a long time ago. Does this mean that Hydra also has access to TAHITI?

Well there was that first woman Baine turned via sex.

That would be me, don't like going into movie theaters.

So in this universe the TOS blooper reels never existed? There use to be a show all about tv bloopers. So don't act like this is the first time any of us have ever seen bloopers.

Lets talk up iZombie and see if AV Club will start following it.

I meet Mike O’Malley during a Red Sox charity event, He is still a pretty cool guy.

Looking forward to UG dealing with Clarance, UG and Jake might be interesting too.

I'm in love MLP and enjoy having an AV Club thread to talk about it in.

The show is on NBC not Fox

Multiple studies have shown that a man will end a relationship if the woman partner becomes ill. I think Nick should suck it up and stick with Juliette, maybe she is strong enough to end the pregnancy.

Ya we got Grimm back on AV Club!!!