Just to star.

Damn does Billy suck at this also. Voting is for squares? This dude is dumb as fuck.

Do you see this Billy! You are allowed to post about ongoing games not wait two days after the fact.

Pretty sure LeBron would sign off on never giving the Indians a championship if it meant one for the Cavs.

Can Billy learn from you?

Billy could write a 10,000 word essay and this would still be the most fitting response. His work is the defenition of a charity case.

Did you know that the last team to do that in all of sports were the Golden State Warriors? Ever heard of them?

Alanis King, the Billy of Jalopnik.

1st position?

Yea cause this article is a joke. I get wanting to write up every controversy but damn just a little research goes along way.

They were called out.

Jesus Billy! Just a casual reading of the sports news during the weekend you would have found out all the Barca stars boycotted the awards for some other perceived slight.

Billy’s comprehension of soccer is a 4 at best.

God damnit Billy. Your fucking takes are worse than ball cancer!


Lazy ass writers. Its game 2. Proof read your shit.

You do understand what he said at the end right? Well your Billy so probably not. To enlighten you he tells the assembled media that they will have enough material there for two days for their reporting and the chuckles. Clearly in on the act.

Wait so they were down 3-2 in the 8th and some guy tripled with two on base to tie it?

Damn fool. Learn to pick your battles, you are really stretching.

Some how I doubt a Burnley fan would feel embarrased on this ending if anything a Arsenal fan should. Which is what you sound like as you try to justify this

Yes ruined football. Thats the big concern.