Just to star.

I wonder what the fuck was he arguing about? Obviously to deflect blame, just curious as to what he thought it could be.

It doesn’t really matter if the reports about Harden and Howard are true, though.

“It doesn’t really matter if the reports about Harden and Howard are true, though.”

Is this because they are gay? I don’t get the meme at all.

Really has to go through all the dialogue? Pretty sure a regex would have fixed that.

Heat check you are using it wrong or using it way too much. Not every jumper is a heat check.

Yea but it was written by Billy. This one actually makes sense. Plus much better timing, writing after more then half the season has been played. Rather then before the first kick.

Song choice? You mist love peeing on young girls Billy.

Black dudes can’t play hockey! Or wait is that the joke? Is this the warrior’s losing article all over again?

Its called the parabolic equation. Not magic.

Holy shit that first sentence. Jesus you can put some of the info later on. Not stuff itnall in one sentence.

This 30 for 30. Is gonna be effing awesome!

Come’on it was just some advil.

You know you just became Mouth. Also you suck at writing.

I can’t even... Your point is its bad to have a superstar in the making if the fans & media have huge expectations of the club? WTF? They must pay you by the word right?

Good for him. His earning years are short, makes sense to grab as much as you can.

Come on. Now you guys are reaching. I get that the league is evil, but how is an incomplete and bad quality recording worth $1mil. The NFL offered this guy 30k for doing nothing. And it might be how Gawker media rums their business giving exorbitant sums of money for writers to clearly do nothing. (20k is exorbitant

Fuck Aldo. This is a business. Going for the two belts is MUCH more interesting then setting up a THIRD match with Aldo.

Translates from what?

How about the Wilt. Being that he is the first one to do it and currently has done it more times.