
This article is a bit misleading as it states that “Dr. Michia Hirano, had given a conservative estimate of it having a 10% chance of success.” This implies that there was in fact a better than 10% chance of ‘success’ and, more importantly, doesn’t explain what success would have meant in this context. Most will read

Herpes can be passed even with a condom.

We were talking about Hirano and how wildly unethical his behaviour was. You don’t make public statements on the treatment of a patient you have never seen and whose case you haven’t reviewed. He did a lot of damage with his God complex.

I feel bad for the parents, too. It’s clear they’re heartbroken and they are lashing out at the hospital because it’s too hard to come to terms with the reality that life is just cruel sometimes.

Yes, Nerd!

And she came to be my favorite incarnation of the Master. Most people adored her, but she was the villain, so that was ok. But the hero? Cannot have that. I actually saw a broflake refer to the new Doctor as Nurse Who. He thought he was so cutting and clever. It was pathetic.

Who the fuck unfroze the 80's guy again???

Love when the guy who looks like the love child of the 80's and a venereal disease hands out fashion tips.

You need a soul to smile.

The thing is he ISN’T a real believer, he’s just really good at being an opportunist.

I think it was the other way around, Spicer was a believer and Mooch is self-serving and opportunistic. This is an opportunistic sociopath’s paradise.

Maybe the Hair and Makeup person could also do something about all the brown on Scaramucci’s nose.

She was on Who Do You Think You Are last night, talking to Clare Balding about her great grandfather or whatever, who made his fortune in baking powder. She was fucking amazing!

I have deep respect for any animal that has the sense to all poop in a pile. My buddy worked at the aquarium in Atlanta for a while and the Japanese otters would designate a poop area. Smart, important to assign a poop area.

I am a feminist and also grew up in Saudi Arabia. I believe in personal freedkm to wear what you want but I think face veils cross the line. I think they are disrespectful and immigrants have to be able to assimilate to some extent. Keeping your face covered isolates a person and is an affront to the country that has

That face veil stands for a lot more sexist shit than telling her she cant wear it. Most religions have atleast gotten their stupid dogmas down to a semi co-existing level, these fundamentalist Muslims should do the same. I know plenty of practicing Muslims that dont require their female population to wear this shit.

Jezebel could run 5 posts a day about women attacked or persecuted for not covering thier faces in any number of countries around the world but instead we get this because why ?

Regardless of how you feel about the issue at hand, this article, and some of the commenters, are fundamentally confusing a ‘face veil’ with a hijab. A face veil, featured in Islamic garb such as a niqab or burka, LITERALLY COVERS THE FACE. A hijab or jilbab or khimar leaves the face exposed and the hair covered.

Good. In a modern, civilized society, a face is necessary. It’s for identification and communication, as most human communication is non-verbal. Look at any driver’s license. Our faces are there for a reason.