
So this shows a lack of understanding of how NYC education works. Affluent families are able to get their kids into tutors from a very early age [see Ivanka’s kid studying Chinese] while lower income kids don’t have access to such resources. This means that by the time kids are in kindergarten lower income and

I don’t think it’s zero sum because it’s more nuanced than that. It’s not win/lose, there are gradients. But who do you think is pitting parents against parents?

If you read the following article you would see an example in NYC of a low-performing school in NYC being overrun with affluent white children after the original community [predominantly of color] had worked to improve the quality of the school. So I don’t think your example is always true.

You, my friend, are seriously underestimating what is going on in NYC public schools. I would recommend you read Kozol’s Shame of the Nation about segregation in NYC schools. There is nothing simple about it.

Listen. Dismantling oppression is tough, and it touches us in ways that we feel uncomfortable by. Your friends in the UWS may not be billionaires, but they’re trying to train their children to use inequitable systems to their benefit. Totally savvy, totally understandable that you want the best for your kids. But

But this is not zero sum, in the sense that some children will likely not get their first choice, but they will likely still get to go to a very good school. There’s actually a really interesting article [link below] about a NYC couple actively deciding to send their child to a low-performing school. What I remember

I think that’s also interesting, how the desire for equal access to education is characterized as displacing hard-working, deserving affluent children. Those UWS parents seem to feel that their children deserve something that other children don’t, whether they admit to it or not, and won’t acknowledge that they are

And my point is that racism is insidious, and if you are benefitting from that system (which as white people we are all to some degree) and advocating for those systems to remain static then you are advocating for racist policies. The tricky thing here is that when we speak about racism, especially as northerners, we

I used to live in NYC. I went lived in a West Indian neighborhood, went to a HBCU, and worked in the mostly white DA’s office. NYC is profoundly segregated (one of the reasons I no longer live there). To say that discriminatory policies are mostly about class or money but NOT race presumes that the racial

I actually wonder if this is a reflection of American political culture. I think Hillary Clinton’s career is really a study in how women have to contort themselves and give lip service to some fairly conservative values that are, in my opinion, pretty fringe at this point. For example, it remains important for

I actually read the whole article and it really is hard to see how your interpretation could be accurate. What she says specifically is:

I get the sense that she is being very pointed that she is talking for herself. She specifically says that she is a superstar in Italy, and she could destroy him, which she doesn’t have the heart for. Is there a chance you are taking personally something she is saying about herself? Do you feel offended by her

Ahh, so you are saying that JD himself introduced the idea and in doing so consented to a broader conversation. I see. Thanks for explaining that to me! :) 

I think that’s a good point, but is it possible? When someone is processing trauma that is such a big thing —JD described his rape as cracking the planet of him in half and throwing off an orbit, so that’s the magnitude of what we’re talking about with something like childhood rape — is it even possible to process

So that’s the notorious difficulty with rape cases, right? Often they are crimes that occur in private, without witnesses, so they are hard to prosecute. Furthermore it’s not uncommon with sexual violence not to immediately go to police; it can take people a while to understand what happened to them, and so their

My mother is a victim of childhood sexual violence, and also is a person I am pretty angry at for a variety of things. Her history as a rape victim doesn’t excuse her behavior, but it also wouldn’t be necessary for me to bring up my shit with her when she’s being open about her own victimization. There is a time and

I’m down for this. The only season I couldn’t get into was Hotel. Am I wrong about that? I just couldn’t follow/care.

real question: are you Emma Sulkowicz?

I think that was how she initially met him. According to the NYT article from way back when she then took him on to teach him facilitated communication, and met with him regularly.