
I despise Trump and have an extreme distaste for Pence, but I’ll go ahead and be one of the few to say it—I think randomly booing Pence is taking it a step too far.

This is bad Deadspin. Thanks for the fact dump. It’s like MLB Trade Rumors without the insight and stats. Oh, but you said Fuck in the headline!

Maybe they should do some thought pieces on how nobody is to blame for this disaster other than the rabid Clinton supporters that dismissed Bernie Sanders and people like Elizabeth Warren, and the people that attacked their supporters in terms that only people like Trump could appreciate. My favorite gem was when the

I doubt it. I suspect constant bitching will be the norm... void of anything constructive. I’m pissed (Hillary got my vote... begrudgingly)... but I am an adult and realize the world rarely does what I want it to do. Ashley and company think otherwise. They’ll learn one day... one distant day in the future.

I second that. I don’t know if I can handle four years of “you won’t believe what Donald Trump said/did this time”. It’s either falling on deaf ears or preaching to the choir.

Can you guys cool it for a couple days on all of the political articles?

Florida DJ + UPenn = confusion

Here is how Trump stories go.... if Trump comes off like a rich, pompous dick, it’s probably true. If he or his ilk come off caring, nice or loving it’s completely horse shit.