Jams Runt

Milo finally said something that makes the Evangelical Right squirm. He reinforced their narrative regarding homosexuality, (i.e. gays become gay because they are abused,) but said it was a good thing. This is the only thing he has said that would lose him book sales with the target audience of Dangerous.

Thanks. I’m not always sure.

I think you mean Obama’s two terms in office, not to be that guy tho.

Yes to all three, I mean, uh, wait.

Thanks. I thought so, but just checking.

Which one are you talking about?

I agree it fucking sucks Larry lost his show and Maher will be around forever, but I think it has more to do with the respective business models of Comedy Central and HBO. Maher’s ratings don’t matter in the same way as Comedy Central’s. This allows Maher to coast on being too edgy for network television 16 years ago,

She was sitting front and center. The crowd all saw it. I totally agree that Lopez comes across as an ass here, especially on the Internet, but how his behavior reads online wasn’t his concern in the first place. I only wanted to point out how almost all comedians are going to come down hard on heckling of any kind.

I want to be clear, I don’t like George Lopez and I think the joke sucks, but unless comedians are doing crowd work, comedians are going to shut down any and all crowd interruptions. Lopez was only concerned with not losing the room, so he said what he thought he had to in order to keep the crowd on his side. Was his

Fredrick Douglas did great debating Lincoln. I have several Lincolns.

I completely understand every problematic aspect of the show, and it embarrasses me to admit this now, but Queen Eye was a first major step on my road to enlightenment. I was brought up in the Evangelical Church and deeply endoctrinated in its homophobia. I did not know any openly gay people and was a straight up

Well, these beliefs and gerrymandering.

If she had been serious about opening a dialogue then she wouldn’t have tried to hide the fact she was playing the Inauguration. I suppose in some hypothetical sense there would be a way of playing the Inauguration that also makes clear that you are not endorsing the president, (though, for the life of me I can’t

Oh man, this is going to make Greg Proops so happy!

Being racist is objectively bad. So is being misogynistic. So is kicking your dog, or cutting someone off on your own drop ten miles below the speed limit. People who engage in here objectively bad behaviors or thought processes may not be defined by them. They may do many other oodles things etc...

Starred after looking up “opprobrium”.

That “won civil rights” bit really got me too. Everything is winning or losing with these assholes.

Maybe I came across harsher than I meant to, but I still feel like going “cut me some slack I’m an ally” might not seem like ally behavior to others. Getting challenged even after we state that we are on the side of angels hurts, and getting back to your original point will certainly shut down the dialog for some, but

Again, middle-aged white guy speaking. Understanding the concept of  white fragility or even being able to diagnose it in ourselves isn’t enough. It’s a step in the right direction that we can’t assume that we get the benefit of the doubt. But asking for it to be extended anyway is just another way of swinging our

I certainly don’t blame you for sticking to your guns, just saying I’ve learned a lot by not taking online discourse personally.