
there is literally  no advertising pepsi can do to get me to  buy it

torch, you’re a dork, so help me out here. is LOL an acronym or an initialism? i say it like an acrynom but i know initializers

balding guy here. keep looking like shit torch. don’t let them get yah

her clothes magically rip off her body and burst into flames*** i think is what you meant

yeah good luck not getting sucked in and reading the rest of the 8 books and taking like a year to do it

read dune dude

found the guy who didn’t read dune

overlanding, the one where purposefully go slow and literally stop to camp, is more boring than going fast and burning tires?

just use google you goon

i’ve been saying this for years on this website (please ungray me i got a new computer, shit) and this confirms it. Those look *pretty* close to road tires on that thing. and they went 300mph. just put them on the Chiron and fuckin go for it, volkswagen. damnit.

why is there a european smart on the streets of san francisco?

cool, online guy

own my balls pussy

the tongue-in-cheek-y response to this by jalopnik is fucking gross. the cops just stole a million bucks worth of awesome cars from this dude because of a plant that makes you laugh. hopefully someone rich enough with more presence of mind than weekend contributor Brad buys these cars and gives them right back to the f

suck my fucking ass and balls

dude. singaporeans aren’t white, they’re asians. since singapore is an advanced and wealthy nation, with a very high GDP per capita and a well established military, he’s not talking about them literally not having the resources to learn how to fly these planes. he’s talking about the people not being able to do it.

eat shit

dude shut the fuck up he just assumed an entire nation of people can’t produce four people talented enough to pilot a plane. that’s a country that currently operates 64 modern f-16s in addition to other planes. the insinuation is bizarre. of course singapore can do this.

yeah i don’t get it. this is racist, or at the very least, ignorant to the fact that other countries can have air forces that work.

shit i got a new work laptop. my original tag is @jacquescampbell. someone please ungray me @jalopnik gosh dangit