
Cmon even 50% quality Thrones is better than whatever else is on TV.

I wish I knew anything you just said. Well done!

Thank you never knew they fought before as adults.

Te eat every last chicken in this place.

Playing Bingo and catching the early bird special at Denny's?

The problem with Clegane-bowl is that the Mountain would most likely win even if The Hound wasn't scarred psychologically (and physically) by him as a child. The Mountain is probably the one man in the world that could make Sandor pee his undies, and Sandor may be the only man in the world that could appeal to

The unsullied still have the "twig", but lack the "berries", I believe. Theon is full Ken doll down there.

I think Littlefinger's transportation abilities are greatly exaggerated. With all the different storylines going on in the show there is absolutely no reason to assume that it is all happening simultaneously or in precise chronological order.

I don't see the Sparrow leaving anything to chance as in a trial by combat, despite it being the "will of the Gods". He's too savvy for that.

I would feel warm and fuzzy inside if the sacrifice of Stannis's daughter still has some positive magical effect on things, even though delayed.

Why would it be someone else's head? He wasn't beheaded in the show.

I think Clegane-bowl is a red herring. There will be a big build up then dragons or harpies will attack the city.

I tend to agree that a straight-out brawl between the two brothers would be too simplistic, and would only be justified if there were some major twists or unexpected implications. Perhaps The Hound is the only person who would ever be able to appeal to the Mountain's human nature (not that much was there when he was

I think you forget that George r.r. Martin distinctly expressed that the reason his stories are so nail-biting is because no one is safe at any time. Now that they are mostly off the book, it would be a shame if the show writers betrayed that spirit by using "plot armor".

Tyrion is the last of the line, duh! Isn't that the latest rumor?

Don't you mean "showmentum"?

I still think it's gonna be zombie Red Viper. So what his head was crushed I heard that in the books zombie-Mountain didn't even have a head.

Tommen simply needed a mentor after the void left by Tywin's death. The High Sparrow just happened to fill the wise, fatherly figure role that Jamie Lannister should have filled, but he blew it and now we have this cluster-bleep.

I also see no wheelchairs present…

It looks like a moderately funny movie with very funny actors. I'll show myself out, thank you.