
God, that’s amazing.  I love them.

I guess if it’s just one word, but the words of the year are “mask off”. Everyone decided this was the year to say the quiet part loud, even before the plague. And that was before people started showing us who they were and how little they care about other people by literally going mask-off.

I wonder if it’s because people now are way more likely to believe conspiracy theories than they were 25 years ago (qanon, 9/11 truthers, etc).   So while in the 90's, when people would say ‘the queen killed Diana and Charles sucks’, it was more like a little joke that played on the tensions between Diana and the

Totally, totally.

I mean, if it’s working title is Wisteria, it has to be Desperate Housewives right? Has anyone seen Teri Hatcher visiting his house?

Now I’m imagining the ‘Snyder cut’ is the exact same as the previous version, except for two hours added on after they revive Superman when he just murders people non-stop until Lois calms him down. Just two hours of the Plutonian from Irredeemable. Then the same movie. Except Wonder Woman is naked the rest of the

This exactly. Genuinely, not defensively: someone tell me when and how him being an asshole crossed over into abuse.

But the rumors about CK were always about sexual assault. So when the piper came calling, it was in-line with expectations. So far the only things I’ve heard about Whedon is he cheated on his wife with a lot of people, and that he might have been a jerk on set sometimes.

Now playing

Maybe they’re transitioning to Unhappy Meals:

I’m very sorry.  It’s really hard.  You gave them a really good life, but that doesn’t make it any easier.

I was so scared of that scene as a kid, when I taped Superman 3 off TV, I paused during that scene so when I rewatched it wouldn’t be there.

I’m so sorry. I’m just so sorry. Hard as it was, thank you for sharing this.

Now playing

I think we’re all forgetting the bigger picture here: this performance is amazing

“I would implore everybody who’s celebrating today to remember it’s good to be a humble winner.”

I love Predator 2. Danny Glover is great playing against type as the loose cannon out-of-control cop.

Rickman’s “thoughts on acting to insights on friendships and politics,”

I dated a girl in college who introduced me to The Zombies, and now I’m as obsessed with them as she was. “Beechwood Park” is one of my favorite all-time songs.

It’s always bracing when Ta-Nehisi Coates is out promoting one of his projects on talk shows, because the host usually tries to get him to say something along the lines of ‘things are getting better’. And Coates is always like ‘uh, no’. He’ll point to positive moments sometimes, but always in the context of how far