Jamie Lynn's Peers

Zayn Malik is my muse

How were they so confident that it would collapse at this particular moment?

High five for #gurlproblems! LOL!

Docs keeps getting better and better. A very competent and viable alternative to Word for work and personal use.

Just went to edit one of my contracts and was pleasantly surprised to find this feature. Makes it so much easier to jump between sections!

That is not what that means. She was hoping the operation would be a success. Cripes I had fertility problems, knew I was worth more that my ability to bear children and I still prayed.

God, you’re an idiot.

Seems like an unnecessarily hostile reaction. What basis do you have for assuming her adopted children would be cared for any less by their mother if she were recovering from a major medical procedure or if she gave birth to a biological child?

Holy fuck, this is really awful criticism.

That’s one of the things we’ll be on the lookout for!

Let’s just hope they bring back dark theme. They had it in Beta-M, but left it out at launch. I would really like to go back to the days of kitkat where i could look at my phone in the middle of the night without being blinded.

Ok here goes. Just for clarity to me mom/dad are my adopted parents. Mother/father biological parents.

The website The Toast runs adoption stories, covering a wide range of experiences. I don’t know if they are still looking, but it might be an outlet if you don’t want to go full TLC.

This election has me convinced I never want to find birth family. What if they’re the type of people who would vote for Donald Trump? I was born in South Carolina after all.

I just can’t quit 90 Day Fiancee :(

I was interviewed for this show- a friend of mine and I found out that we were actually half sisters (my mom had given her up for adoption, I knew about it but not who, years and years later friend and I have a random conversation and oh look at that, my mysterious half sis is my friend, who I met in my 30's). We

Oooh! Maybe I can modify this to make DIY vanity lighting for my room...

As a divorce attorney, I’m kind of fascinated by Laura Wasser. Part of me wants to be her because she is so good at what she does, but then part of me knows how stressful and complicated high-net worth divorces can be. But then the other part of me usually wins because it’s a lot less stressful when you have clients

Most LED strips are 12V and 20W. A USB port produces 5V and 2.5W (some can go higher, but this is the minimum spec). Assuming you use 1/4 of an LED strip for this, that’s still 5W. Even if you could boost the voltage, you’re still way under Wattage.

How illuminating!