this is important work. thank you.
this is important work. thank you.
Oh, and no news articles about us taking to Kinja? I see how it is!
why... who thought it was a good idea to introduce evidence of the ways white collar people goof off at work into a professional networking platform?
Kristin Cavallari took to Twitter to announce her upcoming book tour
I’m getting lunch soon, lmk what you want and I’ll bring it over
It’s not infrequently that I simply say “Yes, I’m an adult. Why do you ask?” to my wife after doing something immature (and hopefully amusing) at home.
yes and they’re TERRIBLE. “this little girl beat cancer! share and like if support her fight!” “99% of people can’t solve this math problem! if you can, you’re a genius!” “look at this word search! whatever word you see first is your leadership style!”
Time to put out some frisky bitz
I am glad I am not the only 12 year old boy on this post.
shitty memes on linkedin
Drano™ eyedrops
This is making me want to take to my bed.
in february i took to twitter to complain about:
Ted Cruz, “to respond to Donald Trump’s, 69, claims
A social media presence is all but a requirement for famous people these days, and the content celebrities publish…
Can the hottie reporter play himself?
I know!! I was outraged at how the detectives were conning him, but it was just heartbreaking to see him on that witness stand and look so confused and scared.
I just wanted to hug him so badly...