Jamie Lynn's Peers


Rachel and Ross are the most toxic.

I refer to Robbie as a wax statue while I tweet. (Also I had to google that to make sure I meant Robbie bc I legit can never remember his name).

this lady lawyer is a solo & is taking next week off so I will drink on behalf of all of jez’s bad ass Themises. (Themi?) <3

She’s her very own SNL sketch.

That poor dachshund. There is no way it’s getting the amount of love and attention these little things crave and need to be happy. 😞

Hey, thanks!

A yinzer second to this. Fuck Wendy Bell and her bullshit Facebook posts.

The one step correct primer evens out my complexion so well I use it whether I follow up with foundation or not.

The one step correct primer evens out my complexion so well I use it whether I follow up with foundation or not.

Can confirm. Stila is amazing.

Can confirm. Stila is amazing.

I hope better for you truly. Paige would certainly try to drown you and Emily falls in love with every new pretty girl in town, never learning that any one of them may be the person trying to kill her. Tho admittedly I haven’t watched the last half of this most recent season so maybe Emily grew up and became not only

Great. Now plotlines from Pretty Little Liars are becoming reality.

I am also not just a Gawker commentor.

You do you, rebooted 90210's Adrianna (spelling unknown). You have money and publicity to gain.

This is the best post I have ever read on Jezebel. I’d say all of Gawker, but 500 Days of Kristin will always take that cake.

Yes. The book on it is a very good read. (it’s called something really dumb like pretty little killers - I actually think thats it - but I do recommend it.)

This actually happened IRL not too long ago in Morgantown, WV. Two teenage girls killed a girl because they “didn’t want to be her friend anymore.” Then put on a whole charade with the victim’s parents until eventually they were found out. It was horrific.

touché, comrade, touché.

*Day 502