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    The Lexx Files…..

    "First, I raped the Car Walk then murdered the Tractor Pull and finally crushed the Atlas Stones in LIKE THIS!!!!"

    more liek LOLita

    stark observations guys

    NO! The line must be drawn HYAHHH! This far, no further Radiohead!

    "lol drake is a miniture dragon"

    I haven't played since Channel was banned….. haha

    how you like that Chekhov's Knife going off at the end? haha

    I don't think William Blake ever revealed the Red Dragon's face in any of his paintings.

    how about we get to the point?

    Remember how good the writing was on The Sopranos? How everything the mobsters said felt natural?

    I only come to the AV Club for the mediocre jokes.

    I'm glad Costume & Makeup decided to get rid of Katherine Isabelle's puffy, super curls from last episode. She did not look good with that style.

    Which is worse:

    Can you imagine Picard and that alien stranded on a planet but speaking in Game of Thrones metaphors? lol

    Anybody else HATES freeze frames?

    Any only child here?

    you think he's gonna take off his pants and jacket?

    It's obvious he thought Now was Phillips's name!

    Anybody else feel that puffy, curly hair simply did NOT work for Katharine Isabella (Margot) in this episode?