Dr. Scroopy Noopers

It's funny you should lamely and desperately call me a moron.

>"""If by a "few anecdotal stories" you mean the numerous people who have spoken out about it, then yes."""

Everyone on that movie got paid less than RDJ.

And where are the complete data sets proving this so called "systemic sexism"?

And where are the complete data sets proving this so called "systemic sexism"?


It WAS ( I got rid of it ) in quotes because of this silly idea that people can make huge claims about "systemic sexism" and certain "patterns", and are not expected to provide sources for their outlook.

The reason is, or one of the reasons, is that they likely have not examined the hard data themselves. They just repeat whatever gets them social justice points.

And where are the complete data sets?

Those do nothing to provide that mathematical basis for this so-called "pattern".

And what is your source for this "Pattern" Or must I just take your word for it?

And where are your stats for this "pattern"? Obviously, you should provide that.

This does not fit the man-hating feminist narrative.

Some Kendrick Lamar influence. Pretty good song.

What a clever pun you just came up with.

That's not saying much.


This is so insightful. Thank you.

Has no woman ever injected herself with semen, after the fact, so to speak?

Why would the shows depiction of friend-zoning and trapping be a fantasy of MRA's?