Dr. Scroopy Noopers

Let me get this straight. You say you are annoyed by the annoying Steven chants. Because of that, some douche says "I kinda want to say, fuck you" which is a passive aggressive actual fuck you.

Colbert is talented and intelligent, but he suffers from over sentimentality.

"Fuck you" is probably fair, ??

My last comment was removed. Love the unnecessary censorship on this joke of a website.

You're not very bright, are you?

Again, you are seeing what you want to see. Your bias and nothing more. You should stop projecting your anger on me.

Matt McGorry is attracted to woman of infinite size to the exact same degree he's attracted to less robust woman! Amazing!

You find anger where all there is, is a series of rational and bland statements.

Murder is wrong. It doesn't matter what shape your body is or color your skin is. You don't deserve to be murdered.

Being a feminist is for people who like to be patted on the back for all the tolerance they have. Being a member of any group means they are doing life wrong. Fight for equality wherever you can. Just don't label yourself. Woman make up half the population. Naming a group that wants equality for all after half the

That is literally what I said, with different words. I never said anything about feminine superiority being built into the dumb label, as you seem to imply. The point you missed remains.

I thought it was just you, but there seems to be one or two others.

Kanye's second album was pretty OK. The rest of his albums have maybe one good song each. The reverse of a sophomore slump type career. Obviously not in terms of sales, but composition and rapping.

Only the group thinkers will think I'm an ass hole. You being one of those. Considering the slant of the AV Club, that is not surprising.

"Feminism means equality for everybody. That's why we call it feminism."

White Knight recycled garbage. What an annoying piece of shit. Thanks Matt!! Here I was thinking woman were inanimate objects! ( Literally NO ONE THINKS THIS )

Relevant Futurama Quote

Eqqsnuizitine Buble-Schwinslow

The amount of noises they have recorded on that show further prove to me the existence of ghosts. They don't haunt non believers though. That's how it works.

Any word on a second season?