Dr. Scroopy Noopers

I need more Del Larue etc! And like you, I also hope to see Kyle do more stuff.

Just found out today that Professor Blastoff is OVER. I found it a few weeks ago, just got caught up today, then heard the news. Surreal and sad for me.

Men who like women's bodies should be ashamed of themselves.

The nightmare continues. I suppose the return of something that is genuine Trek is even further from reality now…

The jokes were not landing for me, though I can't recall specifics unfortunately. I'm still confident that season 2 will be mostly brilliant.

Sharon is Irish.

The first 4 episodes I rate an A-. The last 2 are a C+

The disney kids had kids.

Maybe book Stannis is going to be like this anyway by book 6 or 7. He's not that far from show Stannis as it stands now anyways.

That is good to hear!

Uh..It's a really easy to understand question which is not only related to your comment, it springboards off your very choice of words. You said "rightfully" upset, which is a very interesting choice of words considering the highly sanitized depiction of rape getting so much fake outrage, while the much less sanitized

Professional outrage junkie

That is the longest nonsensical rationalization for fake outrage I've seen in awhile. You don't have an honest bone in your body, and least when it comes to this subject.

There is an illusion that the show deals with violence in some meaningful way, and its smoke and mirrors. I never said you look dumb.

No. I called you that because it's the truth, not because it's in disagreement with mine. You have offered zero "cred" as you call it. you have offered zero coherent reasons as to why this rape is so much more gratuitous than any of the hundreds of killings.

Your bar for telling people to go fuck themselves is far too low. Just as your threshold for sanitized, fictionalized rape.

Is that a question?

To be clear, the only "rage" is the fake rage you and others are displaying in this thread. I'm merely observing that.

Again, relevance? The question is why you are OK with murder and War but not rape.

So what did I say to deserve you telling me to "Go Fuck myself"? Still waiting.