Dr. Scroopy Noopers

Vag Vale

Hypothetically, someone COULD make a trans* show that you would find entertaining?? Maybe?

I didn't like him at first, but after a few episodes of Betas, I thought all the characters were at least half decent, including the lead.

Even the mere mention of Judith Light plants the earbug of a song known as the "Who's the boss" theme song.

Carlin would be proud. And i would have watched this with mixed feelings.

That would be a good idea. HBO and comedy central ( to some extent ) would set the bar high for the rest of them.

Lennon possesses a magical stare that Daly cannot duplicate. And Vice versa.,.

I get what you are saying. But what did you grade this episode if not an A-?

Watch my new show! Regain your innocence!

I often wonder what it would be like to go to dinner first with the executives of NBC, ABC, CBS, CC, Showtime and HBO.

Force Fields are available. Probably the most far fetched thing in the show so far.

My top 7 of 2013:

You have the best insights on this show. I would rather read your reviews every week!