
I think the original staff was murdered in that tunnel you saw through Dolores's eyes. When she goes into the town and goes down to where they were all working one of the timelines she flashes too has them all dead. So if Ford survived but no one else did and it was a small staff to begin with I can see no one else

Which is interesting because Ford says he built him on his own. But he did integrate some of the upgrades that Bernard created for the other hosts into his own code. So Ford creates Bernard and Bernard begins programming hosts and Ford uses that code to improve Bernard as well as the other hosts. I wonder if there was

I took it as he didn't care if she remembered. It was more like he just wanted to know she was punished for it. But that's an intriguing idea as well.

Oh hey I guess this confirms the theory that Dolores is basically a rape bait robot as a penalty. Now we know it was because she killed Arnold and although Ford likes her a bit because of her age and because he and Arnold worked on her he is still pissed off she killed him. So hence she gets to be the "prize" near the

I've seen several people point out the Maeve death being new or inventive but what no one seems to have commented on is that Maeve just found a way to get her old parts replaced. Remember she said with the techs that she noticed that some parts of her where quite old and she wanted a new body but would need full

My personal favorite theory is that Chloe has some angel or demon lineage back in her bloodline and for some reason it's throwing off Lucifer's immortality. Something about the way only Angelic can really only hurt each other being twisted with the inclusion of humanity. It's out there but it's my what I think fits.

Which echoed the executives "Blood sacrifice" statement from earlier. Meaning he was monitoring their conversation and is definitely aware of any plans they have. I was wondering how until I remember the host tied up on the bed behind them. Ford is using the hosts as a spy network even if they are paused. Yikes!

She got all cocky for a minute too. "you aren't in control of him! He brought me here"

Douchey brother in law to William said early on that "there wasn't even a picture" of Arnold. Heck they didn't know his name and they were talking about investing heavily in the company.

At the time I couldn't figure out if that was his "Man I feel kind of bad about Bernard getting fired" face or his "Oh just you wait" face. I didn't think we'd find out so soon that it was the latter.

The thing that got me was how Ford knew about the "Blood sacrifice" line the executive used. Then I remembered the host she had tied up on the bed behind her. Just sitting there in the background of the shot. Apparently it was recording! So even while the hosts are paused Ford can record and monitor what's being said

The reason for the guy killing her father was odd as I don't think they ever explained what he was uncovering that got him killed? That said I was really worried it was going to be like Castle. So glad to be wrong. Fantastic episode. Maze is just the best. "Topless maid… then they told me I still had to clean. Ugh".

Sexuality and exploitation are more than just nudity. In the shop scenes that you seem to be waffling about I don't find them sexual at all. It's not different than a life drawing class with a nude model at this point. They are just naked not in any way sexual or gratifying. There is no male gaze here. I don't think

Is there any period clothing that Caity Lotz won't look absolutely amazing in? She's just a ridiculous chameleon in anything they put her in.

So Julian came to the city to be a scientist and get away from his wealthy and pampered lifestyle? Ok in my head he IS Draco who after the wizard war has decided to repent and live among the muggles for a bit. Except he shows up and now the muggles have a form of magic that he can't compete with. He was supposed to be

Oh thank goodness. I'm really excited about this. I kept rewatching the paint it black scene hoping they would do this.

That pilot went by QUICK! I felt like I blinked and it was over which seems like a good sign. If it leaves you wanting more each week I'll be happy.

Expanse was a slow burn but once it gets going it's absolutely fantastic. The world and universe are so damn engaging and real. It's tense and just damn good tv.

Mine worked great. Though there were times you couldn't shoot but the enemies would shoot the jet so you had to cover the sensor or else get taken out pretty quick. I loved how the pilot would eject if you took too many hits though.

Man I loved this show as a kid. I saved up all my money and got one of the toys so I could play and since the show only came on once a week I recorded the shows so i could watch them over and over and keep playing. Shortly after I got one of the toys I saw a news story about that show and it was all the parents