
From Marvel studios director to David Lynch is one hell of an escalation.

Serious query: has there ever been a Snyder trailer that has fooled anyone? I feel like they hit all the clichés and stylistic expectations for the contemporary summer blockbuster, but those are enough warning signs right off the bat

Considering the shared universe and all, they might just make it a pocket dimension or another planet or something connected by the zero matter portals, building off of the one decent plot line in that incredibly stupid season with Hive

The AV Club
Some wonderful jackasses

There are dozens of us!

Axis was such hot garbage that it made me question whether I'd assessed everything else Remender wrote accurately. Same with Original Sin and Jason Aaron.

I like to think of his Uncanny Avengers run as just the Apocalypse Twins story, operating as a sequel to his X-force run. I ignore all the Red Skull stuff, which is a shame because the first arc had some interesting (if pretty half-baked) ideas

Sheesh. Time for me to rewatch and refresh my memory. All I remembered was "opposing somebody everybody liked," and with the way everyone online oddly loved Stannis, I got them all muddled in my head

Here's your annual reminder that Stannis burned his kid alive for power, so maybe Ned was on to something

One can only hope

As someone who generally enjoys the concept, AC:2 always struck me as the best iteration of the idea. The abundance of side tasks could be a grind, but the main story interacted with the landmarks in new ways that moved the story in a mostly compelling direction. That they then decided to get rid of any possible

Which would have worse monologuing/didactic dialogue: a Sorkin directed Marvel movie, or any random comic book written by Bendis?

I would love a horror movie directed by Terrence Malick

That's fair. Like I said, what I know is based on the mini-series and what people said about the book (in other words, basically nothing about the adults, which led me to think there just wasn't all that much there). Still, with the kids, you have the narrative propulsion of the group first banding, then constructing

Full disclosure: my knowledge of the plot structure is limited to the mini-series and descriptions from readers telling me how much better the book is. But yeah, in the mini-series, it starts with everyone being reminded of fighting something they called It after being forced to forget, and then one of the characters

I'm really wondering how part 2 is going to be different from hours of adults wistfully saying "Remember when…" but without any flashbacks and with the occasional nightmare hallucination.


Honestly, 90 minutes of Wreck-It Ralph wailing on Pepe would be pretty cathartic

Haven't played it yet, but this has been my biggest reservation about getting it. What's the point of starting in a whole new galaxy if you're just going to spend most of your time with the exact same cultures and alien races that you spent the past three games on? Feels like a huge missed opportunity.

What fun!