James Moar

Though that wouldn't have been a great idea either, since the comic story's a flipped version of Days of Future Past.

Rosebud was actually made out of Groot.

Well, what can you expect from CNN?

You'd make a terrible monarch.

I'd say the early Nathan-Turner era defines it a bit more precisely than the 5th Doctor. It feels like there was a real drop of interest in how the characters would work as a part of a team, even as the larger cast made that more important.

It's the Hindus you really need to hope are wrong.

"Town and gown" is a term that's used about it — the division between the people who live there long-term, and the students who're in and out with the seasons and the years, and fall into a relatively narrow age band.

Well, that's one thing "I am Groot" can mean.

More likely the Tachikomas, from the look of the thing.

I think he was just supposed to be The Stan Lee Character, with his dialogue this time implying he's the *same* one as the other films.

Vol. 4: Radically nonlinear storytelling with the iPod shuffle.

"….but rather less silly boob shapes than in the comic!"

There's comics precedent for her getting her hair cut off, though that'd come off as a *really* obvious move to fit a TV budget….

My dad's an amateur musician, ask him for it.

On a similar note, the sprawling nature of the show makes it difficult for any spinoff to be sold as something that couldn't just be part of the main show (a prequel being the main exception).

I always thought headband — it goes with the abstract tendencies of Kirby costumes.

As someone who knew exactly what the cameos in that scene referred to — I still thought it was pretty distracting.

With 10,000 spoons when all he needed was a shiv.

"Um, yes, this is gore for the movie. We definitely didn't have any horrible accidents on set."

Civilisation is one of the classic documentaries.