Shame about the massive binding error in my copy of it, though.
Shame about the massive binding error in my copy of it, though.
On the other hand, 'a lot of funerals' could apply to nearly half the episodes of this show.
It was getting a bit freaky once we got to animals on the cob, though.
Both seasons have had some title scenes which come from actual episodes, and some which don't (about half and half).
I hope they will, though it seems like it might be tricky to do without ending up changing the character relationships a lot.
"On a stage?" — yes and no. They've started showing some of the big theatre productions in cinemas here in the UK, and her Medea was one of the ones I've seen that way.
There's also Katarina, and Sara Kingdom if you count her, both in "The Daleks' Masterplan." Both were short-stay companions, it's worth noting.
I saw her play Medea She was really good in that, and I can kind of see how you can get from one role to the other (just aim that Dalek gun away from the hand mines….)
"That only two of your great blockbuster movies go out into the wild every year?"
Those are two completely different shows.
Having a single semi-miraculous event as a shared origin does make a whole bunch of superpeople coming out of the woodwork pretty much all at once seem less awkward. Flash is probably the best example of that, particularly since everything happens in the one city.
"Isn't she constantly justifying his actions in fear he'll leave her?"
Either way, we're not giving him extra food for it.
I suspect that the 'hybrid' bit is going to turn out to be pretty much that, just more worked in to the plot of the week than usual.
Congratulations to Empire on reaching Season 1*1!
I was kind of expecting that it might be the TV showing an alternative universe where he dies, while in the hospital itself things ended differently.