As if work or money is the primary measure of the well being. California has the best weather, the best outdoors, and the best food and beer of all states combined IMHO. It's the place where you can ski and surf on the same day, eat genuine Korean BBQ for pocket change or enjoy dry mild weather all day long, all year…
I was very excited when I saw that the Lexus GS450 hybrid was making an appearance on my weekly press-car schedule. While my fellow toilers on Automotive Grub Street fap themselves senseless over the Dodge Charger Challenger Hellspawn, I have different priorities. I love luxury, ease, fuel economy, and reliability.
I just bought a new car. I wanted something with better gas mileage so I got a smaller vehicle; now I'm starting to…
You ruined it for all of us, Doug. You and your dumb antics.
For the longest time common knowledge said, "Dealers make all their money on used cars." While there is still profit…
Bro do you even lift
And yet states fight so hard against Tesla selling directly to consumers which threatens the cheating middleman...
We all know that certain cars that are either limited production models or high demand will often be "marked up"…
These are all great arguments for why Tesla should be allowed to do direct sales.
I checked on WebMD; it could be cancer, Lyme Disease, or lupus. Possible eBola.
No, but you're totally right. There's no doubt I paid a premium to buy at Carmax. I suspect in the end, I will make back this premium, along with most of the purchase price. 27 percent into the warranty and I'm already up to $4,800 in costs; the car actually seems to be having MORE issues not fewer; this suggests I'll…
According to a recent study a large majority of people either forgo a test drive or do it very minimally. I find it…
*Takes off seat belt.. Pulls e-brake.. Awaits blissful silence of death.*