

I do know that years ago, with my 1985 Camaro IROC, OBD I, I could use a paper clip to jump two of the pins of the OBD port to put my car in diagnostic mode. I could then count the engine light blinks in the correct succession to determine the engine code. The only reason I knew this though, was that my father was a

Might have has something to do with this kid...

Maybe the military should use crowd sourcing to build our next UAV/Drones. Like with the Rally Fighter, [www.local-motors.com.]

The new one has a trunk monkey, which, upon capture, will get get out and destroy the previous model and then fly back in the new one.


The after shot would be nice also

Reminds me of Total Recall Johnny cab.

3D Heads Up Display. My current commuter car 95 Bonneville SSEI has it.

Say what again. Say what again, I dare you, I double dare you

Thats why something like this is getting more popular. You dont know what might happen.

The Acura is ugly. But this one always gets my attention. 2000-2001 Tiburon.

@infmom: Yeah, put the candle in and light it through the mouth that you cut with a wand lighter. #diy

Ho@lilwillie heart clicks GM: From my experience in Beijing, they do put alot wear on their horns though... Sort of like a communication all of its own. The whole thing is like it has been choreographed, you can reach out and touch a car next to you, yet very few accidents occur.

@cristiana: I was kind of thinking that we now know where the designers of the aztech are employed.

Someone could at least buy the name and make body kits to put on whatever cars Chevrolet still makes, such as the camaro.

Could be part of GM or Chryslers new strategy.