I’m coming for you, Switch
I’m coming for you, Switch
What are you saying? It does have online at launch, free until the fall. How many straws do you have to grasp here to make it seem like you’re being entitled.
Except that there’s a cherished Italian neighborhood called “The Hill.”
I don’t have a ton of time to game now with 4 kids, one a baby. I play a few minutes per night, maybe. I could play Zelda for 6 months and probably still not finish it! So, anyway, I don’t really care for myself. But I care because I like consoles and game companies to do well, for the industry and for the fans. I…
Sorry, I was referring to the Destiny community’s response to Jason’s stories on leaked info in the past.
First of all, quick semantic issue: reporters are not leakers. Reporters report on leaked information.
Don’t be giving all DFW’ers a bad name :(
“Some people just want to watch the world burn.”
STL is a soccer hotbed going back decades.
Yeah, I tried to verify first if anyone else had pointed it out before replying but couldn’t see anything. Like you, kinja was giving me a hard time.
No. he bought a 3DS that someone else had already bricked.
Given the amount of information that’s floating around, seemingly the entire internet downloaded Pokémon Sun and Moon…
maximilian jenius rules
The Super Gameboy did not support Game Boy Color games. It released before the GB Color was even a thing.
Me and my friend are pumped!