
I love that you recommend keeping score at a baseball game. A friend taught me how to do it a few years ago, and it has SO increased my enjoyment of the game. My husband and I trade off for each team, so one of us isn't obligated to keep track the whole time. He also gets obsessive about it and checks the official

You're wondering about Hotel Transylvania 2 even happening when there's talks of Grown Ups 3? Besides, Hotel Transylvania was probably the only entertaining Adam Sandler movie in a long time.

There was a Zelda animated series, and it was terrible. Let’s not dwell on it. But if you ever wondered what would happen if the same art style ditched the excuuuuuuuuuuuse me’s and played things a little straighter, you should know that such a thing actually exists.

On the other hand, gooey butter cake is really pretty good.

No Assassination Classroom?

It bothers me as a Texan to see people just saying, "Ugh Texas."

What the fuck. Why would you go out of your way to "+1" this comment when there is a perfectly good star button that would let me know that a number of random assholes enjoyed my comment while making it extraordinarily cumbersome to ascertain whether it's a person whose opinions and tastes I've actually come, over

I'm black you idiot.

Nah, they'll pass.

That's why the 'artificial scarcity' argument is bullshit. People don't understand that Nintendo doesn't know how many people want this shit, so they WAY under-produce, which just drives everyone into a goddamn frenzy.

First The Fixx, then the outrage.

KOR Nava - easily the best travel, filtered water bottle

KOR Nava - easily the best travel, filtered water bottle

Props to Mike Mitchell.

Yea, those Football Gods gave me a firm finger up the ass in the form of Rams/Seahawks (I'm in St. Louis) while a few miles south they're getting the Dolphins (my team)/Bears, and a potentially good game in Cincy/Indy. Maybe parts of the Funeral Dome will start falling in or there will be another protest or something.

If you give me an XBox One for free, I hereby pledge to watch every game for the rest of the season at home like you've asked.

Have you heard of Jerry Jones?

There are a lot of things we should never do. Who decides which ones should never be rehabilitated? It seems to be here that we just want Ray Rice to disappear.

Sounds like we're continuing the abuse of her because we don't like her decisions. Stay classy, Joe Public.

Hopefully everything is okay with Washington and his family.