
yup that’s what I did as well...

Trial is my favorite episode. Dr. EX GF in the Queen Etherea outfit, the V-Bros as MECHA SHIVA and Brock acting all cool with the GUILD up to something and The Monarch just being THE MONARCH. I laugh every time I watch that episode.

How could you not have The Trial of the Monarch?? Such an underrated episode.

And this is why on line 6 on the W4 form, I’ve been taking out $25 each paycheck for “just in case” my job doesn’t do it’s job.

Im not taking either sides, but show some proof.  She didnt want to hurt him (but she did).  She wanted to let it go (which she did) what more is there need to be said.

This is still a dumb, repetitive comment. Why the fuck would you not bring a glove to a game that uses them? 

Couldnt fn agree more. Dont understand why your wanna stay fat? I was 279 and I put the fork down and said nope, time for a change. Now I’m 207 happy, married, and plan to stay that way.

265K and counting as of 11:35am 7/24

Sailor Moon was adapted into English by DiC Entertainment and premiered in North America in 1995 on FOX, WB, and UPN. However the series was a failure and was cancelled after 65 episodes.

I have the first airing on a local station here in Dallas/Ft Worth (ch 27) it came on at 8:30am and I have it recorded on VHS.  I can confirm it was 1996.

It’s the only position he hasn’t played yet....

Looking for some SSD or m.2 sales...

Looking for some SSD or m.2 sales...

You can reverse search a number and get more information...

Damn, this old school

I’m wanting to buy a Mustang. Found two, one is a 76 white with red interior and the second is a 84 limited edition. Both are $4000 but not sure which one to get. Any suggestions?

Amarillo By-Morning

I want to help, is there any contact info?

Macros aren’t as good looking as these.
