In Texas, when we have a tornado, our guys have the decency to SHOW A FUCKING MAP OF WHERE THE TORNADO IS....
In Texas, when we have a tornado, our guys have the decency to SHOW A FUCKING MAP OF WHERE THE TORNADO IS....
thank you, thank you, thank you!
Yes, Yes i do <3
Go on....
I would aliken Mike to Jimmy Fallon, I love both guys for their passion in their likes but sometimes they can get a bit annoying.
I hated that in later seasons they took the history lesson out of the first part of the show. My wife, when i got her first into it, thought it was sooo funny that when Mike went to get a part it would be “well i have one right here for you” every single time....She absolutely loves the show but she’s sadden by the…
Agreed, every since The came to America, it felt like they lost that old charm they had...
You leave Don Lockwood and Cosmo out this!
Better know as “Piss Mist”...I used to live in Kent, WA and damn this crap happened all the time...
I wonder if they used this coding?
Let’s hope this doesn’t turn sour, like we hear the “e-sport competitor” is hurt or killed. Where has the art of civilized competition gone? Sad, sad world...
Try this one Anker Powercore+ 20100
Try this one Anker Powercore+ 20100
25 minute install....thank god it’s not on PS4
Yeah, it’s selling gangbusters (fasted of any Nintendo system in North America with the exception of the Wii & that sold over 100m), but tell me again how it’s the worse.
Never going to happen.
Not a damn one here....Just like all the other Nintendo consoles and Virtual Boy I own.
..and there’s no Nintendo game you have to wait 7-14 minutes to play because it’s still installing either...I’m going with cartridge, faster load times, don’t take up space, won’t get cracked or scratched.
yeah my local GS is going to have 17 grey and 7 colour versions extra
Good for you, since i don’t own a Wii U, and never played it. I will however own the Switch version SOON! LOL