James DeRiven

We are facing don a people whose problem is with a system, but a system they are fundamentally unwilling to meaningfully reshape or change, and so they blame everything else.

It’s like if you threw people out of the an aeroplane in a heavy cloud bank and after falling for a while they can see the ground that they are

Oh thank god I’m not the only one perplexed.

Some years ago I had both my eyes held open with mechanical devices, was given a lot of pain killers, and then watched as surgeons scrapped the sclera off my eyeballs with scalpels.

It was not an experience I am in a hurry to repeat.

Of course it is.

and learn fight choreography with heavy swords.”

Well that sounds like a failure of the choreographers and the armorers to produce actor-appropriate props.

Given how fucking awful both my cinema experiences were for Barbie and Oppenheimer, I’m not sure why I’d ever go to the cinema again.

The old Druidic belief embodied by wise, gentle Merlin/

So I know with this one sentence this adaptation has completely fucked everything up.

I am so torn here. On one hand, fuck anti-mod companies. On the other hand fffffuuuuuuuck AI.

The problem is, of course, that Star Wars as a media franchise has spent almost every waking moment since Phantom Menace showing the Jedi as useless, myopic dipshits and yet doesn’t seem to realize that it did so. So it keeps pushing a Jedi narrative because the Jedi are Heroes, even if their demonstrated reality

I’ve tried to get into Destiny 2 a couple of times and it always feel great mechanically but is otherwise the most hostile I have ever seen a game be to new players: a flat and total uniterest in any form of onboarding, familiarization, or getting you to care about... whatever it is that’s going on, exactly. And the

Yeah as far as I can tell the film is identical to the one I saw in the theatre. That TikTok posted above where they reveal they... improved the edit of the film by removing a line I didn’t even have in my version and which feels totally unnecessarily? Wow. Scandal.

I mean when I was a kid the home movie version meant

That poster/cover with midriff-fighter-traced-from-porn is so generic, boring, and downright tired in its eighties pulp cheesecake blandness I think they owe us all $300,000 grand for making us look at it.

That’s fine. I don’t remember him being in those movies anyway.

How many times do you watch a trailer and go, ‘Oh my god, this looks so cool!”

Almost never. The art of trailer-making is dead.

which itself almost fell apart in 2019 as Spider-Man: Far From Home was becoming a billion-dollar theatrical success

Which is still weird because Far From Home was really crummy.

Kotaku keeps making these ‘is anyone still playing’ articles for single-player story games and it’s baffling.

A franchise that was thriving wouldn’t have cancelled Prodigy, its only unalloyed good entry in over a decade.

Ican see the art, my dude. It’s right there. It’s not good.

If only Mass Effect Andromeda or Subnautica: Below Zero let me do the same...

Like cum through the anal tract, these are the Lays of our Dives.