James DeRiven

Here in Canada we dropped Netflix the day they started to push this crap and haven’t looked back.

Solidarity forever.

“Luddite” is a good term because Luddites were people who realized that their managers were destroying their livelihood and taking away the means of production, violating the trade agreements to create an inferior product and impoverish an entire industry.

Luddites were not anti-tech, they were anti-exploitation.

This article helped remind me that Aaron Sorkin’s The Newsroom was far and away one of the worst high-profile television dramas of the last fifteen years. It left no cultural impact, and its smug moralizing managed to utterly fail to predict the trends of the subsequent decade, making it feel like an absolute relic


Wasn’t it cancelled?

What VPN?

Rewatching Star Trek TNG it’s amazing to see an era of television where massive, expensive shows were given huge episode orders and given two full season to find their voice and become successful both creatively and emergency: you can’t argue that the strategy didn’t work out for them, but in today’s environment TNG


Right here with you. Is this fiction? Reality? Quasi fictional? A type of anti-infammatory cream?

Important to always remember that WB Games getting a ‘copyright’ on the Nemesis system was fucking stupid.

I hate watching two entities who suck shit and feeling like I need to side with the one who, in the immediate present, sucks less because it is more profitable to suck less than the other entity (i.e. rather than from any moral stance).

Wow it’s terrible in its own distinct, awful way.

Because I don’t understand why they like it. I played that first game, I saw nothing there that would make me want a sequel much less than five or six sequels and the spin-offs and a feature film. I found nothing there but I see people go “oh I loved watching fartnuzzled_56 twitch stream this as a small child before

And it sucks!

Playing something like Shadows of War and then switching to games with stamina systems (or games like HZD where nothing that looks free-climbable actually is) is like have your arms cut off.

I should be able to parkour these buildings in MGSV, damnit. Stamina add no measurable joy to BOTW - nobody ever went ‘man it’s

Imagine if there was a guy you could talk to at the beginning of BotW or TotK who just gave you unlimited stamina.”

That sounds fucking great the stamina system is joyless.

Everyone’s giving. you shit but having played all three games I always found Gerrolt to be a miserable sod who runs around a miserable world having a miserable time.

“Emersion” sits comfortably alongside “balance” for me as terms that get shouted out a lot by completely unhinged people who would hate an actually emersive game and be miserable playing aperfectly’ balanced one.

(But then I’ve long joked that the only fighting game that would ever truly appeal to fighting game fans

it still has some of the best exploration in the series” Unless you realize there is nothing to ind by vendor trash you don’t need because you can have completely unlocked everything you want or need by the time you hit midgame and then stop bothering because there’s no interesting characters or special surprises