James daSilva

J. O'Neal took my son to the All-Star game when I was in Iraq in 2003. I'll never forget it. A solid guy.

"It's nice to see an old man get up like that. It's a shame no one scored though."

Alex Trebek: "The question: What Julius and Ethel Rosenberg got."

It's really super interesting, if you just take it at face. Once it's clear, then it's also, of course, debatable. I read somewhere that something like 70%+ of people never get past Level 4 (what's legal) morality, which is fine if leadership (who decides what's legal) is operating at 5 or 6. So that in mind, we can

I would submit that one can experience empathy via imagination. But the distinction is reasonable.

Holy shit Freeman McNeil, I was there myself that night when Irabu came to town! At the good old Sports Bar. (Binghamton, NY is not known for their creative names.)

because the check didn't bounce.

  • Glazer, on outing a gay NFL player: "Oh, yeah, I'd break it in two seconds."

Somewhere Chris Kluwe sits watching this on his computer, nodding grimly, ready to eloquently type a comment how this is the perfect metaphor for his time in Minnesota. It will be be perfect, 50, 100, 200 recommendations, the sky's the limit! The world will finally understand the true Chris Kluwe. They will understand.

"It makes me sad to watch the erosion of the American work ethic. In my day, it wasn't unusual to spend 16 hours in a recording studio just few hours after a long night of beating the sons."

Great catch. Total boner on my part.

He will never win a championship. He needs to be super serious and an asshole all the time like Kobe if he wants to be a legendary player.

Maybe the coach is a homophobe, but they cut Kluwe for the same reason that the Patriots cut Zoltan Mesko. He was in the last year of a bloated non-guaranteed contract, and they could get similar production from a rookie, while saving 1 mil dollars. He should be angry at the players union that signed the CBA which

I did a better job of keeping track of those things last time. Then I changed how I got the data to make it easier to update often. Next update will have those issues fixed.

Those aren't the only two options, though. Isn't there some levelheaded middle ground, where we can report on athletes' off-the-field lives while also keeping in perspective that, beyond legal issues, it has almost zero to do with their jobs?

As a Cardinal, McGwire took steroids the right way, the classy way, unlike those big city glory hounds Sammy Sosa and Barry Bonds.

Lincoln apparently "exploded,"
This is the part that makes me think it's just tragic theater.

Gotta love the Arsenio ottoman slide at 4:25 on the video.

I am aware of Loria's history, but as a baseball fan my first thought was, would they have done this if Fernandez wasn't good? Did they wait until that ROY was announced and then make it happen? if he had finished second would they have quietly put her on a boat back to Cuba and left the tone of the video as "boy,