Multi Dimensional Chess? Uhh...
Multi Dimensional Chess? Uhh...
I bought it and read it and highly recommend it. It is the most complete picture of exactly who Donald Drumpf is. For as much horrible stuff as we already know there is a lot of stuff that we don’t know. And that stuff is in this book. Literally belongs in a reference section even though it’s not boring.
How can she as a woman keep standing up for this guy? How does she look in the mirror every morning while applying the liquid smoke to her face? Maybe it’s her warpaint or a disguise so she won’t recognize herself in the pics and videos of her lies. How does she do it. Such a shameful example of a woman.
I am so, so ready to stop seeing these articles after the Blue Wave crashes upon Washington DC and drowns Drumpf and all his supporters after which we will have a posthumous trial that will convict every last one of them as treasonous traitors to not only the idea of America but to justice itself. They will go down as…
Are you implying that you must be out of the closet to be transgender? Can’t make heads or tails of this comment.