Jim in KC

Plus one on the Reuben. If a sandwich shop has that on the menu and can't deliver, they are dead to me. 

I think if you kept the radiator and rigged a heater core to the tub you would have been able to control the temps, even if you had to manually regulate flow to the tub. 

Start burning things so every single Republican voter shows up on election day and my makes it stop. 

Dont forget the “bwahahhaha”.

The S90 isn’t that much more and is a big jump in style points.  

If you can stretch a little get into a 2017 Volvo S90 for the ultimate relaxed driving experience.

It is a glorious thing that other people don't get to decide what music we listen to. Your article reminds me of that. Thank you. 

This all just cracks me up. 

A Ford Focus.

The best way to upgrade Facebook is to use the account delete feature.

Under no circumstances should you search the web for Traci Lord’s porn. She made noneanone after turning 18. You almost certainly won’t find it, and in the unlikely event you do it would be a crime.

I want to see the 8 way one modded by the trap building experts in LA to hide ten kilos of whatever you can imagine. 

Unless they are lying to you and they weren’t really quite as faithful as they say.

As a dad who ended a marriage because of his spouse’s infidelity and then had to try to maintain a relationship with his children I will offer the following perspective.

If is is a woman you can just look at their eyebrows.

Lose the crossfire and keep the firebird.

Craigslist. Acoustic. Bring a friend who plays. Spend less than 300 and get lessons with the rest of the money.

Craigslist. Acoustic. Bring a friend who plays. Spend less than 300 and get lessons with the rest of the money.

Try a vintage unicycle for your next project. I got apa 70s era Schwinn ad learned about cottered crankarms, ad obscure rim and tire sizes. I didn’t get I to the bearings but I am sure they are weird as heck too.

I use an inverted steamer insert that came as part of a pasta pot steamer combo. Worked like a charm. Not a unitasker.

But if you want to go to pound town, you call the Scorpio.