
Probably for any serious use, yes. I wonder, though, what the OP device uses for propulsion. If it’s got an 11 minute flight time, that’s pretty good for a first step (especially considering the small volume of fuel it must hold).

Either, to be honest. I suppose I like my hovercars like I like my regular cars - smaller and nimbler as opposed to larger and faster.

I dunno if I could trust myself with that much firepower come my evening commute.

I was actually surprised he didn’t go with some form of jet propulsion when I saw that video. It’s funny how tinkerers and small teams have managed to do what Honeywell and the rest haven’t been able to do (at least, their prototypes usually seem much bulkier and prototype-y)

I’ve actually been half-considering building something like this myself. I’m a designer though so it’d probably never work. I originally thought about building a boat, but then it turned into an ekranoplan and now it’s something more along these lines... I just wanna arrive to the beach in style, y’know

Sure. Now shape it like this.

Now arrange four similar sized jets at the corners of a fuel-filled composite frame. Put a few seats in the middle, install a control system for the jets, and bam - hovercar.

I remember test driving one of these in 2008 and my impression of it was “garbage can with wheels"

I got into an accident because of an optical illusion like this. The oncoming car is perfectly hidden behind the turning van. Your brain doesn’t even consider that a car could be there, because the van’s path seems impossible to match, but alas that wasn’t the case here (nor in the accident which totaled my car and

The difference is all in composition and color. Yes, both are painted by hand, both have something of a geometric theme, but the Warhol car uses better colors in a more pleasingly distributed way. The Lambo IMO had potential but it simply looks unfinished.

You don’t understand. Human reaction times haven’t changed, but cars now slow down faster. Therefore you need more space compared to the olden days.

Lol I read the article, dude. The whole point is that Volvo shouldn’t bring up Tesla and start calling their system a “wannabe” when their superior alternative is 5 years away and their current system is worse than Tesla’s. They should have called their own system a wannabe instead.

You know, I’m on your side, but modern cars should leave more space precisely because they brake much faster. Think about it.

That’s not the point. Volvo is saying their system is more of an autopilot system than Tesla’s, which isn’t true. That’s pretty much the definition of talking shit.

I’m very glad Michael wrote this article. When people talk shit that they can’t back up, they need to get checked. This is even more important when the person talking shit is actually a company that’s trying to sell things.

I would almost rather pay $488.

And this, kids, is what they call an “advertorial."

Everyone hates you, yet you think his opinion is the irrelevant one. Weird

I loved my ‘03 GLI but goddamn everything VW touches nowadays turns into a massive disappointment. So pissed off right now

That is indeed a different story. I have nothing against relaxing, but having worked at a dealership, I was always shocked when I saw how far back many people drive... we’re talking near horizontal level. Scary stuff