
Considering that’s it been long standing practice in Hollywood since, well, inception of the industry, I think people just assumed it was one of those issues that just disappeared with the times. You know, like racism.

Sounds like the casting couch is still the coin of the realm, regardless of the age of the actor.

Embrace the darkness.

Now playing

The “outrage(?)“ about this change is strange. TV series have retooled season-to-season for myriad reasons over the years

Boy I sure am glad we avoided the corrupt-as-all-hell Hillary Clinton!


Or on purpose.

Mike Pence probably won’t accidentally start a nuclear war with North Korea.

Why do you have to qualify that with “shockingly”. Are there not any male alcoholics/addicts you can recognize as having talent without assuring everyone you’re surprised by it?

Courtney Love will forever be my touchstone for American cultural misogyny. Yes, she’s erratic, abrasive, narcissistic and – at times – unhinged. But she is also MASSIVELY talented. And when talented men in music or entertainment are erratic, abrasive, narcissistic and unhinged they are forgiven without a second

Well how can we expected to listen to a woman about something if she is imperfect?

I dunno. When Man on the Moon and the Larry Flynt movie were out a lot of critics showered major praise on her acting. I think there’s even an embarrassing quote from Roger Ebert that suggested the greatest legacy of grunge might turn out to be Love’s acting career.

with the number of personal accounts of people warning other people about Weinstien coming out, it seems to me like it’s not the fault of anyone not saying anything about him, it’s that nobody listened or took them seriously.

Yes, I agree re: your business trip example. In that situation I would get tested for STIs and if I were in the clear, I wouldn’t say anything and write it off as a mistake and not worth ruining marriages over.

Agree agree agree. I referred to this in a comment above as a ‘legit moral grey area’ but really I think the best arguments for not telling are for ‘one night stand at a conference hotel in Tulsa’ kind of situations. I actually might not want to know if my husband had a one-timer that he felt so awful about it would

We’ve reached a point where anyone who sees an actual Nazi and says “Hey maybe we should hear them out/give them a chance..” needs to be considered at minimum a sympathizer.

In the immortal words of Dennis Green, Vice is who we thought they are.

I’m growing increasingly credulous to the claim that the rate of sociopathy in the general population is higher than we want to admit.

I will never understand the, “you have no right to blow up someone else’s marriage” thing. She has every right to tell anyone she damn well pleases. He lied to her and if he’s not lying to his wife (and putting her in danger of STDs when she thinks she’s in a monogamous relationship) than it shouldn’t blow up

Yep. I could not disagree with this column’s advice more.