
I think I’m just over stand-up a little because none of the big specials over the summer have appealed to me much, this included.

They aren’t called killer whales because they are whales that kill. They are called killer whales because they used to help kill whales.

“It wasn’t a ploy,” he claims. So it’s conceivable (if you want to keep scarfing down what Murphy is feeding you) that he already had the idea to disband and then just took the leap when the opportunity presented itself.

There are entire websites devoted to looking people like this up.


We have some great hot dog places. And great sausage places (try Wurstküche).

They can’t do that.

HW’s kids had to have been adults right?

Dead now tho

The only one I was impressed with was Ahnold. And then because the people you idolize are now “burning in hell” is a very strong statement.

Do you know how much she’s getting paid for American Idol? She’s doing fine.

Exactly. And even if that is true now (I’m not saying it is but even if) that was definitely not the case when Avengers first came out.

Won’t miss him for one second. But it’s become clear that his white nationalism was just something Trump agreed with him on. He isn’t the one who orchestrates the administration’s stances.

Tina Fey mocked Jezebel in an episode of 30 Rock and they never forgave her. The Jezebel parody site was called Joan of Snark and you know part of the anger is that they wished they’d chosen that name instead.

I have a lot of issues with some stances she’s taken especially with criticism of her TV show. And I agree with this article.


Tina Fey is really a genius at a certain type of absurdist comedy. And her brand of comedy actually is relevant to today, where the world is absurd. Rewatching 30 Rock it’s just like an explainer on extreme narcissism. The meme of Donald Trump saying Jenna quotes is perfect. But Donald Trump phenomenon is really a

Literally everyone credited Joss Whedon’s unique vision for the original Avengers being such a huge success.

That’s what happens when you pour into a cup no one wants to drink out of.

I grew up in Pittsburgh. I am not remotely surprised the most racist statue in America exists there.