Were you assigned this story because you're name is Kyle? 🤣
Were you assigned this story because you're name is Kyle? 🤣
I am not a fan of the prequels, but The lightsaber fight in episode 1 was pretty epic
If you're shipping an item worth 10's of thousands of dollars, I think it'd be worth investing in a private courier service
Doesn't connect to a tv? Controllers don't detach and turn into one big controller or 2 basic ones? I'm sorry, what exactly makes this a switch. This is basically a new age Gameboy
Games with tutorials that are required shouldn't be optional. Same thing happy with me in breath of the wild, I went through the world exploring wondering why the combat was so bad, not realizing I had to go to the first dungeon whatever to unlock more moves 🤦
I agree on red Baron, thats my all time favorite frozen pizza. Have you tried their brick oven crust, the texture is so yummy. I just mentioned digiornos pan pizza as a pizzahut alternative, because it legit tasted the same. I don’t like their other pizzas.
For me the local places always have great slices, but if you order a whole pie it comes out like crap.. maybe sitting in the heat lamp is what makes it taste so good 😂
If its edible and keeps me from feeling hungry that’s good enough for me. if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.
Their pizza is perfect the way it is, you want higher quality? Buy from somewhere local
For all you hut lovers, the digiorno pan pizza tastes almost exactly like Pizza Hut. However there is still no substitute for their perfect breadsticks
Lmao and they still cheaped out, maybe it’s just because it’s wrinkled, but that bag looks way thinner and less durable than the bag that was originally advertised
There are companies that make prescription inserts, Google it if interestedÂ
Possession is 9/10th of the law? Lol
Gold Rush, best game ever. The remake looks like garbage unfortunately
So the crank isn't to power it?
A bathrobe? Pretty sure it's called a kimono
People that complain about game launchers, must be too young to remember when every game you owned required a disc to play. Game launchers are essentially the same thing. Just. Get. Over. It.
It sounds epic, I just don't see myself having time to play a game like this with a 9 month old haha
Maybe it’s because we get so much snow where I live, but I fucking hate snow maps. I much prefer a sunny and/or tropical setting
Geeze for $150 I'd want my umbrella to be bullet resistant and have a built in taser haha
Geeze for $150 I'd want my umbrella to be bullet resistant and have a built in taser haha