
No one is forcing you to shop at whole foods Stefan, the groceries at the normal grocery store are just as good.

i dont see how he would have a case. its a cartoon and even if its loosely based on him what does he have to sue over? that would be like donald trump suing the south park creators for the whole past season

every time i shop for a gaming laptop (i never actually buy one) someone always ends up suggesting msi in the forums etc. and i always cringe, because i feel like they are low quality with next to no customer service. Has this changed recently? should i now be considering msi?

What about card sleeves? Lol

Is that one actually in stock though? 

Yah this^ except buy a Thinkpad not a Dell lol

Feels like you are defending this product way too hard, how much are they paying you?!! haha

because in science fiction we have hover chairs, wheels? c’monnn

Gve all my cards to an old friend because I stopped playing, probably could get a couple Grand for them now... He didn't call no take backs lol

Sooo like airsoft? Lol

WALL-E duh

So this isn’t it?

Youre right Kang, its not a good movie.. Its a fucking great movie

Words can’t describe how much I loathe this George fellow. He sounds like real scum.

Lmao fuhgetaboutit

Scamming implies those little shits put some actual thought into getting their parents to pay for vbucks, they’re just stealing from their parents, best all Bea setup or you can bet that kid would be headed to boot camp for the summer

Im still using an apple airport lol, it sucks and can only have 3ish connected devices at a time before streaming starts to struggle 😖

Im still using an apple airport lol, it sucks and can only have 3ish connected devices at a time before streaming

If you’re son looks up to Logan Paul and wants to be just like him, you should put him down now.. Old Yeller style

Pfft Buzz was the asshole, not Woody

Dude just trade in/sell your ps4, and buy the PS4 pro. She won’t even notice 😂