James A. Janisse

The guy who chews the scenery like some sort of scenery momma bird trying to feed her little scenery baby birds is a veteran stage actor?

Yeah, despite how much Don's pissed me off in the past, nothing triggers my empathy like seeing a middle aged man slovenly watch TV all day because he has nothing better to do.

He only wanted Don to THINK that LA was the perfect city and lifestyle and that everything was groovy all the time for him now.

I like how he didn't feel the need to apologize to Joan for the same thing.

I was JUST about to open my mouth and say to my girlfriend "I hate how nobody in movies or TV shows ever say 'I love you' to each other" and then BAM. Shut me up real good.

I think it has a small-ish but devoted following. I can understand not enjoying it if the humor isn't your style - it's a lot of horrible people saying horrible things to each other - but I think it's the single funniest show on TV right now.

Catherine really is a reliable metric for the best episodes of Veep. The first episode she was in (season one's "Catherine") was the episode that solidified Veep as my favorite comedy.

I felt pretty bad for Jonah when he was getting kicked out of the White
House last episode. He totally deserved it, but the way the other guys
knocked the box out of his hand and kicked his stuff around was textbook
high school bullying, and that was the most degrading of all.

Josh Braffnor?

Hey thanks a lot for saying so, and thanks doubly for subscribing to us!

Yeah, why the fuck is a "colleague" sitting on the council? You'd think he'd have to be a "pal" at least.

What a huge fucking disappointment. I enjoyed season 1 because it was so bad it was good, and I sincerely thought Asylum was good television (more or less). But this entire season was a bloated tangle of shit.

Was anyone else distracted by the music in this episode? There was some crazy dubstep-like stuff going on a few times, and they kept using some track that sounded like a guy screaming "YAYA! YAYA! YAYA!" over and over.